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Let Dr. Capehart be your Aetna Dental Dentist

January 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drcapehart @ 4:43 pm

parents and two kidsFrom the bottom of our hearts—all of us here at Capehart Dental want your visit to our office to be memorable for all of the right reasons: quality dental care from a compassionate staff at a price you can afford. With this in mind, Dr. Capehart is pleased to be an Aetna Dental dentist. This means that he is an in-network provider, so he is able to offer you and your family a variety of preventive and restorative services at affordable rates.


Learn How to Reduce Your Dry Mouth with Your Dentist in Lewisville!

December 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcapehart @ 4:50 pm

A woman rinsing her mouth.It happens to all of us. Whether we just got finished exercising or ate some crackers, dry mouth appears in many different ways. However, it shouldn’t be treated so lightly, as dry mouth can pose a risk to your oral health. According to your dentist in Lewisville, dry mouth is a precursor to several issues you could have.

Keep reading to learn the important functions saliva provides as well as how to get it flowing again. Your oral health is at stake, so don’t let your mouth remain this way.


Get the 411 on Root Canal Therapy in Lewisville Here!

November 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcapehart @ 8:25 pm

woman dental pain uncomfortableThese two words will bring even the strongest person to their knees: root canal. There are a lot of negative connotations associated with this dental procedure. The reality is that root canals are provided as a service to help patients relieve dental pain, not cause it.

If your dentist just recommended that you may need root canal therapy in Lewisville, you may have a few questions. You’ll learn the most valuable information about root canal therapy in this week’s blog post, so stay tuned!


How Often Should I Brush My Teeth? Lewisville Dentist Answers!

October 1, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcapehart @ 6:37 pm

toothpaste on toothbrushSo you’ve probably been told since before you can remember that you need to brush your teeth in order to keep them healthy, but do you know how often you should brush? Some people do it once a day, twice, or after every meal, but which one is right? Is it different for different people, or should everyone be brushing the same? Today, your Lewisville dentist answers one of the most basic questions in all of dentistry. (more…)

Finding the Right Family Dentist in Lewisville

September 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drcapehart @ 6:07 pm

Woman and child at dentistAs a parent, one of your top priorities is to ensure that your family develops and maintains healthy, beautiful smiles. In addition to proper oral hygiene habits, your loved ones need the care of a great family dentist in Lewisville. However, there are many excellent options in the area. How can you be sure that you are choosing the right one? To give your family the dental care they deserve, there are several things to consider when finding a new dental team.

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